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Episode 37 - Fix Your BJJ Training Rut With “Spring Cleaning”

Episode 37 - Fix Your BJJ Training Rut With “Spring Cleaning”

Audio Block
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We start the podcast with a Chewy ramble discussing how "Spring Cleaning" or clearing out clutter and

allowing yourself to focus on a specific and few selected techniques during training can give you motivation

and provide direction to improving your Jiu-Jitsu.

The podcast also includes a Youtube Live Q&A section with the following topics:

Why people are shy when walking into a new gym?

Should you work take downs on people your size or different sizes?

As a brand new blue belt, should I have a game plan or should I experiment?

What Chewy’s thoughts are on flashy internet moves and if they work or not?

Advise for coaching kids?

Tips on starting a vlog.

How to work BJJ into your schedule if you are very busy?

Thoughts on training Judo and BJJ?

Should you try if you are ill?

What to expect from first No-Gi class?

Most effective techniques in Gi vs. No-Gi?

How to separate weight-training and jiu-jitsu?

How to ask your gym owner to help with gym fees if you can’t afford them?

How music effects training intensity.

How to get decrease nervousness before jiu-jitsu class?

How do you know you are ready for your first competition?

This podcast was also recorded live on the Chewjitsu Youtube Channel

Episode 38 - The CBD Episode With Del From "Charlotte's Web"

Episode 38 - The CBD Episode With Del From "Charlotte's Web"

Episode 36 - Belt Promotions In BJJ

Episode 36 - Belt Promotions In BJJ