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Episode 207 - The Worst Advice To Give To A Strong Person

Episode 207 - The Worst Advice To Give To A Strong Person

On this episode, Chewy and Eugene discuss the worst advice you can give to a strong athlete.

We discuss training with people who are very strong and how it can lead to frustration, what your response should be to someone who uses excessive strength in training, advice you should give to strong athletes, how too much focus on strength can hinder your progress, how Chewy advises a white belt to use strength in a controlled way, and what to do if you are one of the weaker athletes in the gym.

Episode 208 - Amy Campo

Episode 208 - Amy Campo

Episode 206 - Qualities Of A Smart BJJ Practitioner (Part 2)

Episode 206 - Qualities Of A Smart BJJ Practitioner (Part 2)