Episode 142 - BJJ Brown Belt Chris Martin
Chris is a BJJ brown belt and stroke survivor. Chris sustained a stroke in 2017 due to being placed in a submission while training.
Chris shares his story of having a stroke, the signs that he had before the stroke happened, what to do if you have symptoms, what gym owners should know, why he still trains Jiu-Jitsu, how his training has changed, and what his goals are with bringing more attention and stroke awareness to the jiu-jitsu community.
Stroke symptoms: B.E. F.A.S.T. (Balance difficulty, Eyes-impaired vision, Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, Time to call 911)
Check out Chris' youtube channel: https://m.youtube.com/c/ChrisMartinbizjitsu/featured?disable_polymer=true&itct=CBgQ8JMBGAAiEwikosD06-nuAhXq2BYJHWtqDfE%3D
Chris' blog: https://medium.com/@bizjitsu
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Charlotte's Web CBD.
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Epic Roll BJJ.
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