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Episode 14 - Gi or No-Gi BJJ

Episode 14 - Gi or No-Gi BJJ

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This recap episode of the podcast is a collection of videos from the Chewjitsu Youtube channel where Chewy tackles the debate of Gi or No-Gi BJJ.

The first video is "Should Beginners Focus on Gi or No Gi BJJ (Is the Gi Unrealistic)."

The second video is "Should I Train Gi or No Gi (Which One Is Right).

The third video is "BJJ Gis Are Stupid and We Should Stop Wearing Them."

The fourth video is "Should I Quit Gi BJJ and Do 10th Planet (Frustrated With Grips).

Episode 15 - Following Your Path with Chad "The Beast" Hardy

Episode 15 - Following Your Path with Chad "The Beast" Hardy

Episode 13 - BJJ For Self-Defense

Episode 13 - BJJ For Self-Defense