Chewy and Eugene discuss the book “Opening Closed-Guard: The Origins of Jiu-Jitsu In Brazil: The Story Behind the Film” written by Robert Drysdale.
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All in Podcast
Chewy and Eugene discuss the book “Opening Closed-Guard: The Origins of Jiu-Jitsu In Brazil: The Story Behind the Film” written by Robert Drysdale.
Chewy discusses New Year's resolutions, New Year’s goals, Chewy’s process of goal-setting, assessing and reflecting on goals, the importance of attracting the things and people that you want in life, how to not get overwhelmed by tasks, and creating the vision for your life.
Chewy discusses his trip to Montana to train BJJ and also be a guest on a podcast. Chewy gives his insight on how to get the most out of training when going visiting other BJJ gyms, how to train with visitors at your gym, the three things Chewy looks for when traveling, and a Youtube Q&A session.
Chris Haueter is a BJJ black belt and one of the first twelve Americans to receive a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu.
On this episode we discuss how your BJJ coaches are there to guide you in your training, why you should train deliberately, the importance of trial and error, doing your own research for developing your game, how Chewy developed his own game, which students develop more quickly, how to foster creativity in your game, choosing your training partners to improve your BJJ, how to tell you’re getting better, and the importance of mistakes.
We discuss competing during the pandemic, competing at a lighter weight division, Chewy’s diet, tournament prep and strategy, not being needy to win, Chewy’s most nerve-racking moment in competition as a black belt.